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Indikation: Pancreas
Douwes FR
Anzahl der Patienten: 18
Therapie: CT+mEHT
Jahr: 2006
The results of chemotherapy of pancreas carcinoma are still disappointing. In nearly all cases the disease progresses, response rates to cytotoxic therapy are low and the 5-year survival rate amounts to 1%. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate whether response rate, time to progression and survival time can be improved by the combination of cytostatic treatment and loco-regional hyperthermia (thermo-chemotherapy). Results: According to the standard criteria, 1 patient had a complete remission, 10 patients had a partial remission; 7 patients did not respond to the therapy and showed progressive disease. Thermo-chemotherapy as applied in this clinical study shows a remarkable clinical outcome in advanced pancreas cancer and is well tolerated. The results suggest further evaluation in randomized trials.
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