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Oncological hyperthermia in crossroads – lecture in Lisbon

Prof. András Szász with Mr. Soma Benke from RWU (our International Business Development Partner) visited Lisbon in September. Prof. András Szász held a lecture with the following title:

Oncological hyperthermia in crossroads

The lecture was attended by:

Dra. Lurdes Batarda and Dr. Marco Possanzini from Fundacao Champalimaud (a Portuguese cancer foundation),

Dr. Filipe Costa and Dra. Rita Ferreira from Luz Saúde Group- Hospital da Luz (the biggest private clinic network in Lisbon),

Dra. Maria Emilia Monteiro Pereira from Lusiadas Group (Clinica Santo Antonio) and Dr. Antonio Silva Mota from IPO-Lisboa (the biggest public oncology hospital in Lisbon).

After the lecture Prof. András Szász met Dr Felipe de Moura (chairman of the Associacao dos Tecnicos de Radioterapia).

  • Benke Soma and Prof. Dr. Szász András

  • Prof. András Szász, Ms. Rosa Sanches and Mr. Soma Benke

  • Prof. András Szász András during the lecture

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