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Collection of experimental publications

Oncotherm is keen to prepare studies and publish those in relevant scientific and medical literature. Our philosophy covers a complex interation between the various levels of research and applications. The basic researches (theoretical considerations and in-silico studies) are followed by the laboratory experiments in-vitro and in-vivo completed with preclinical and afterwards clinical studies. All steps are interacting not only with the next forward, but could affect the previous research steps for corrections, modifications and further developments. This complex research scheme allows us being ready to absorb the latest results from the worldwide literature and making own development on the available top of the state-of-the-art. Herewith we demonstrate our actual results with our publications from the laboratories until the clinical applications. Many PubMed registered publications are in harmony with the topics whics are too technical or simple submitted to the not NCI registered publishers.

To be active for the training of our oncotherm community, we issue informative newsletters each month and we publish our Oncothermia Journal (ISSN 2191-6438) three times a year [[1]], sharing the hot topics in the oncothermia research field with our community members and with other interested researchers, too. There are quite a large number of publications in the journal which can be found on its website.

Oncothermia is the special method of Oncotherm Kft., became the trade-name of the treatment modality of modulated electro-hyperthermia (mEHT).


Experimental Publications


    • Relationship between energy dosage and apoptotic cell death by modulated electro-hyperthermia [[1]],
    • Exhaustion of protective heat shock response induces significant tumor damage by apoptosis after modulated electro-hyperthermia treatment of triple negative breast cancer isografts in mice [[2]],
    • Modulated electro-hyperthermia-induced tumor damage mechanisms revealed in cancer models [[3]],
    • Modulated electro-hyperthermia resolves radioresistance of Panc1 pancreas adenocarcinoma and promotes DNA damage and apoptosis in vitro [[4]],
    • Elevated apoptosis and tumor stem cell destruction in a radioresistant pancreatic adenocarcinoma cell line when radiotherapy is combined with modulated electro-hyperthermia [[5]],
    • A modulált elektrohipertermia (mEHT) indukálta tumorkárosodás mechanizmusa kolorektális karcinóma modellben (Mechanism of action of modulated electro-hyperthermia (mEHT) induced tumor damage in colorectal adenocarcinoma models) [[6]],
    • The presence of gold nanoparticles in cells associated with the cell-killing effect of modulated electro-hyperthermia [[7]],
    • Electro-hyperthermia up-regulates tumour suppressor Septin 4 to induce apoptotic cell death in hepatocellular carcinoma [[8]],
    • Electro-hyperthermia inhibits glioma tumorigenicity through the induction of E2F1-mediated apoptosis [[9]],
    • DNA fragmentation and caspase-independent programmed cell death by modulated electrohyperthermia [[10]],
    • Upregulation of heat shock proteins and the promotion of damage-associated molecular pattern signals in a colorectal cancer model by modulated electrohyperthermia [[11]],
    • Programmed cell death induced by modulated electro-hyperthermia [[12]],
    • Modulated electrohyperthermia causes caspase independent programmed cell death in HT29 colon cancer xenografts [[13]],
    • Modulated electro-hyperthermia induced programmed cell death in HT29 colorectal carcinoma xenograft [[14]],
    • DNA fragmentation-driven tumor cell degradation induced by modulated electro-hyperthermia [[15]],
    • A modulált rádiófrekvenciás (RF) hyperthermia (oncothermia) apoptózis-indukáló hatása immunhiányos egér xenograft tumorokban [The apoptosis-inducing effect of modulated radio-frequency (RF) hyperthermia (oncothermia) on immun deficient mouse xenograft tumors] [[16]],
    • Klinikai vizsgálatok és evidenciák a modulált vezetéses rádiófrekvenciás hyperthermia (oncothermia) alkalmazásában [Clinical trials and evidences of the application of modulated radio-frequency hyperthermia] [[17]],


Abscopal effect

    • Vom Abskopaleffekt zur Abskopaltherapie – Provizierte Spontanremissionen als neue Immuntherapie bei Krebs, Teil IIb: Weitere fallbezogene Darstellungen der abskopaltherapie [[18]],
    • Vom Abskopaleffekt zur Abskopaltherapie – Provizierte Spontanremissionen als neue Immuntherapie bei Krebs, Teil III: Literaturvergleich und Diskussion [[19]],
    • Vom Abskopaleffekt zur Abskopaltherapie – Provizierte Spontanremissionen als neue Immuntherapie bei Krebs, Teil I: Abskopaleffekte in der Onkologie, Vorwort und Einführung [[20]],
    • Vom Abskopaleffekt zur Abskopaltherapie – Provizierte Spontanremissionen als neue Immuntherapie bei Krebs, Teil IIa: Fallbezogene Abskopaltherapie mit provoziert radiogenem Abskopaleffekt entsprechend einer radiogenen autologin spezifischen Immuntherapie (RASI) [[21]],
    • Modulated electro-hyperthermia induced loco-regional and systemic tumor destruction in colorectal cancer allografts [[22]],
    • Improving immunological tumor microenvironment using electro-hyperthermia followed by dendritic cell immunotherapy [[23]],
    • Modulated electro-hyperthermia enhances dendritic cell therapy through an abscopal effect in mice [[24]],
    • Bystander effect of oncothermia [[25]],


Immune effects

    • Immunogenic Effect of Modulated Electro-hyperthermia (mEHT) in Solid Tumors [[26]],
    • Modulated electro-hyperthermia facilitates NK-cell infiltration and growth arrest of human A2058 melanoma in a xenograft model [[27]],
    • Potential enhancement of host immunity and anti-tumor efficacy of nanoscale curcumin and resveratrol in colorectal cancers by modulated electro-hyperthermia [[28]],
    • Towards the immunogenic hyperthermic action: Modulated electro-hyperthermia [[29]],
    • Stress-induced, p53-mediated tumor growth inhibition of melanoma by modulated electrohyperthermia in mouse models without major immunogenic effects [[30]],
    • Tumor specific stress and immune response induced by modulated electrohyperthermia in relation to tumor metabolic profiles [[31]],
    • Inhibition of proliferation, induction of apoptotic cell death and immune response by modulated electro-hyperthermia in C26 colorectal cancer allografts [[32]],
    • Improving immunological tumor microenvironment using electro-hyperthermia followed by dendritic cell immunotherapy [[33]],



    • External basic hyperthermia devices for preclinical studies in small animals [[34]],
    • In vitro comparison of conventional hyperthermia and modulated electro-hyperthermia [[35]],
    • Comparison of biological effects of modulated electro-hyperthermia and conventional heat treatment in human lymphoma U937 cells [[36]],


Radiotherapy combination

    • The efficacy of radiation is enhanced by Metformin and hyperthermia alone or combined against FSaII fibrosarcoma in C3H mice [[37]],
    • Radiotherapy in combination with hyperthermia suppresses lung cancer progression via increased NR4A3 and KLF11 expression [[38]],
    • Molecular basis of modulated electro-hyperthermia combination with radio- and chemo-therapies [[39]],
    • Quantitative estimation of the equivalent radiation dose escalation using radiofrequency hyperthermia in mouse xenograft models of human lung cancer [[40]],
    • First in vitro evidence of modulated electro-hyperthermia treatment performance in combination with megavoltage radiation by clonogenic assay [[41]],
    • Temperature mapping and thermal dose calculation in combined radiation therapy and 13.56 MHz radiofrequency hyperthermia for tumor treatment [[42]],

Chemotherapy combination

    • Modulated electro-hyperthermia induced p53 driven apoptosis and cell cycle arrest additively support doxorubicin chemotherapy of colorectal cancer in vitro [[43]],
    • Modulated electro-hyperthermia-enhanced liposomal drug uptake by cancer cells [[44]],


    • Temperature increase induced by modulated electrohyperthermia (oncothermia®) in the anesthetized pig liver [[45]],
    • Oncothermia research at preclinical level [[46]],
    • Report of the pilot-study done for the proposed investigation on the possible synergic effect between high dose ascorbic acid application and oncothermia treatment [[47]],
    • Oncothermia basic research at in vivo level. The first results in Japan [[48]],
    • Diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of canine malignant melanoma. Part 2. Own experiences [[49]],


    • Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields cause non-temperature-induced physical and biological effects in cancer cells [[50]],
    • Non-thermal membrane effects of electromagnetic fields and therapeutic applications in oncology [[51]],
    • Non-thermal effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields [[52]],
    • Phantom measurements with the EHY-2030 device [[53]],
    • Iron-dextran as a thermosensitizer in radiofrequency hyperthermia for cancer treatment [[54]],
    • Effect of tumor properties on energy absorption, temperature mapping, and thermal dose in 13.56-MHz radiofrequency hyperthermia [[55]],
    • Transferrin as a thermosensitizer in radiofrequency hyperthermia for cancer treatment [[56]],
    • Simulation and experimental evaluation of selective heating characteristics of 13.56 MHz radiofrequency hyperthermia in phantom models [[57]],
    • Deep temperature measurements in oncothermia processes [[58]],
    • Temperature measurements during Oncothermia (Collection of temperature measurements in loco regional hyperthermia) [[59]],
    • The role and measurement of temperature in oncothermia [[60]],
    • Strong synergy of heat and modulated electro-magnetic field in tumor cell killing, Study of HT29 xenograft tumors in a nude mice model [[61]],
    • Messung der Temperaturverteilung am Modell der nicht perfundierten Schweineleber bei lokaler Hyperthermie mit Kurzwellen mit 13,56 MHz [[62]],


    • Therapeutic basis of electromagnetic resonances and signal-modulation [[63]],
    • Physical analysis of temperature-dependent effects of amplitude-modulated electromagnetic hyperthermia [[64]],
    • Physical potentials of radiofrequency hyperthermia with amplitude modulation [[65]],
    • Similarities of modulation by temperature and by electric field [[66]],
    • Modulation effect in oncothermia [[67]],

Mixed molecular biology

    • Modulated electro-hyperthermia accelerates tumor delivery and improves anticancer activity of Doxorubicin encapsulated in lyso-thermosensitive liposomes in 4T1-tumor-bearing mice [[68]],
    • Heat shock factor 1 inhibition enhances the effects of modulated electro hyperthermia in a triple negative breast cancer mouse model [[69]],
    • Targeting the heat shock response induced by modulated electro-hyperthermia (mEHT) in cancer [[70]],
    • Desensitization of Capsaicin-sensitive afferents accelerates early tumor growth via increased vascular leakage in a murine model of triple negative breast cancer [[71]],
    • Modulated electro-hyperthermia induces a prominent local stress response and growth inhibition in mouse breast cancer isografts [[72]],
    • Supplementary materials: Modulated electro-hyperthermia induces a prominent local stress response and growth inhibition in mouse breast cancer isografts [[73]],
    • Suppression of metastatic melanoma growth in lung by modulated electro-hyperthermia monitored by a minimally invasive heat stress testing approach in mice [[74]],
    • Molecular mechanisms of modulated electrohyperthermia (mEHT) induced tumor damage [[75]],
    • Modulated electro-hyperthermia inhibits tumor progression in a triple negative mouse breast cancer model [[76]],
    • Radiotherapy and modulated electro-hyperthermia effect on Panc1 and Capan1 pancreas adenocarcinoma cell lines [[77]],
    • Testing modulated electro-hyperthermia using C26 colorectal carcinoma cell line in vitro [[78]],
    • The efficiency of modulated electro-hyperthermia may correlate with the tumor metabolic profiles [[79]],
    • Nanoheating without Artificial Nanoparticles Part II. Experimental support of the nanoheating concept of the modulated electro-hyperthermia method, using U937 cell suspension model [[80]],
    • Oncothermia clinical & experimental studies in progress [[81]],
    • Oncothermia in laboratory [[82]],
    • Early changes in mRNA and protein expression related to cancer treatment by modulated electro-hyperthermia [[83]],
    • Oncothermia basic research at in vivo level. The first results in Japan [[84]],
    • Regulation of Tonglian decoction on cell cycle and signal pathway mediated with NF-kB in cell line MGC-803 of gastric carcinoma [[85]],
    • Mechanical regulation of mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling in articular cartilage [[86]],
    • Electric field regulation of chondrocyte biosynthesis in agarose gel constructs [[87]],


    • Lorus study report [[88]],

Theoretical & In silico studies

General reviews

    • Exploring biocomplexity in cancer: A comprehensive review [[89]],
    • On the thermal distribution in oncological hyperthermia treatments [[90]],
    • Peto’s “paradox” and six degrees of cancer prevalence [[91]],
    • Supportive and palliative care in cancer therapies — Path from tumor-driven therapies to patient-driven ones [[92]],
    • Experimental and computational evaluation of capacitive hyperthermia [[93]],
    • Forcing the antitumor effects of HSPs using a modulated electric field [[94]],
    • Stimulation and control of homeostasis [[95]],
    • Heterogeneous heat absorption is complementary to radiotherapy [[96]],
    • Vascular fractality and alimentation of cancer [[97]],
    • The growth of healthy and cancerous tissues [[98]],
    • Experiment with personalized dosing of hyperthermia [[99]],
    • Quo vadis oncological hyperthermia (2020)? [[100]],
    • Preface for the book Challenges and solutions of oncological hyperthermia [[101]],
    • Local treatment with systemic effect: Abscopal outcome [[102]],
    • Elektromágneses daganatterápiás készülék preklinikai és klinikai vizsgálatai, valamint műszaki továbbfejlesztése: tapasztalatok szolid tumorokkal (Preclinical and clinical investigation and development of electromagnetic oncological device - experience with solid tumors) [[103]],
    • Thermal and nonthermal effects of radiofrequency on living state and applications as an adjuvant with radiation therapy [[104]],
    • Oncothermia and the paradigm shift in integrative oncology [[105]],
    • An allometric approach of tumor angiogenesis [[106]],
    • Modulated electro-hyperthermia, (mEHT) From LAB to clinic [[107]],
    • Basic principle and new results of Oncothermia [[108]],
    • Redefining Hyperthermia: A Not Temperature-Dependent Solution of The Temperature Problem [[109]],
    • Modulated Electro-Hyperthermia: Role in Developing Countries [[110]],
    • Local oncothermia treatment fights against systemic malignancy [[111]],
    • Oncothermia development in Hungary [[112]],
    • DEBATE treatment planning & thermometry [[113]],
    • Oncotherm a company devoted for innovation in oncological hyperthermia from 1988 [[114]],
    • Oncothermia is a kind of hyperthermia. Hot topics: temperature, dose, selectivity [[115]],
    • What is on the horizon for hyperthermic cancer therapy? [[116]],
    • Nanothermia: A heterogenic heating approach [[117]],
    • Oncothermia: New Method of Tumor Therapy [[118]],
    • Personalised dosing of hyperthermia [[119]],
    • The place and role of clinical hyperthermia in oncological thermotherapy: let’s define what we are talking about [[120]],
    • Quo vadis oncological Hyperthermia Update 2016 [[121]],
    • Workshop, local hyperthermia [[122]],
    • The cancer revolution [[123]],
    • A brief overview of hyperthermia in cancer treatment [[124]],
    • Oncothermia - Nano-heating paradigm [[125]],
    • The Orientation, Application and Efficacy Evaluation of Hyperthermia in Integrative Natural Therapies of Cancer [[126]],
    • Ozone Therapy and Combined PRP Applications [[127]],
    • Hyperthermia: Thermal Trap and A thermal Solution [[128]],
    • Hyperthermia versus oncothermia: Cellular effects in complementary cancer therapy [[129]],
    • "Quo vadis" oncologic hyperthermia? [[130]],
    • Critical Analysis Of Electromagnetic Hyperthermia Randomized Trials: Dubious Effect And Multiple Biases [[131]],
    • The History Of Hyperthermia Rise And Decline [[132]],
    • Challenges and Solutions in Oncological Hyperthermia [[133]],
    • Oncothermia: A new paradigm and promising method in cancer therapies [[134]],
    • Autoregulation of the brain temperature during whole body hyperthermia [[135]],
    • New cancer paradigm and new treatment: the example of METABLOC [[136]],
    • Hypoxia, Immunity, Metabolism and Hyperthermia [[137]],
    • Electromagnetic effects in nanoscale range [[138]],
    • Oncothermia treatment induced immunogenic cancer cell death [[139]],
    • Past, Present and Future of Oncothermia [[140]],
    • Burden of oncothermia – Why is it special? [[141]],
    • Renewing Oncological Hyperthermia-Oncothermia [[142]],
    • Essentials of oncothermia [[143]],
    • Hyperthermia versus oncothermia: Cellular effects in cancer therapy [[144]],
    • Cancer Treatment Approach at St. George Hospital [[145]],
    • Is an Integrative Cancer Therapy Concept (ICTC) the answer to improve the present situation in cancer care? [[146]],
    • The Oncotherm story in personal view (History of modulated electro-hyperthermia) [[147]],
    • „Hyperthermie: Wo bleibt die Evidenz?“ [[148]],
    • Oncothermia treatment of cancer: from the laboratory to clinic [[149]],
    • Oncothermie [[150]],
    • Front page illustration of Forum Medizine [[151]],
    • Traditionen und Reformen in der onkologischen Hyperthermie [[152]],
    • What is against the acceptance of hyperthermia treatment? [[153]],
    • Hyperthermie in der Tumortherapie [[154]],
    • Hyperthermia in oncology: A promising new method? [[155]],
    • Hyperthermia today: electric energy, a new opportunity in cancer treatment [[156]],
    • Hyperthermie in der Tumortherapie [[157]],
    • What is against the acceptance of hyperthermia? [[158]],
    • Hyperthermie in der Onkologie: eine aktuell beforschte Behandlungsmethode [[159]],
    • New Results, New Hopes [[160]],
    • Elektromagnetische Hyperthermieverfahren: die kapazitive Kopplung [[161]],
    • Hyperthermia for Oncology: An effective new treatment modality [[162]],
    • Hyperthermie in der Onkologie mit einem historischen Überblick [[163]],
    • Onkotermia fizika a rák ellen [[164]],
    • Electro-hyperthermia: a new paradigm in cancer therapy [[165]],
    • Hipertermia az onkológiában: onkotermia [[166]],
    • Too hot for cancer [[167]],
    • Komparative, retrospektive klinische Studie in Bezug auf mit Onkothermie behandelten [[168]],
    • Az ezerarcú víz [[169]],
    • The myriad-minded water [[170]],
    • Stellenwert der Hyperthermie in der Onkotherapie [[171]],
    • Formen der Hyperthermie und klinische Ergebnisse [[172]],

Legal issues

    • Lokale Hyperthermie wissenschaftliche und wirtschaftliche Aspekte und ihr Einfluss auf die Kostenübernahme durch die Krankenkasse [[173]],
    • Elektrohyperthermie: Erstattungfähingkeit und korrekte Abrechnung an aktuellen Beispielen aus der Rechtsprechung [[174]],
    • Neue Herausforderungen im Praxis- und Klinikmanagement: Prozessoptimierung durch echtes Factoring [[175]],
    • Regionale Elektrohyperthermie: Ordnungsgemäße Abrechnung und Erstattungsfähigkeit [[176]],
    • Die Erstattungsfähigkeit hyperthermischer Behandlungen durch die GKV – Anspruch und Wirklichkeit nach dem Nikolaus – Beschluss des BVerfG [[177]],
    • Status and Prospect on Contemporary Natural Medicine [[178]],
    • Die Abbildung komplementärer Therapien im deutschen Gesundheitssystem-Kostenübernahme durch GKV und PKV [[179]],
    • Hyperthermie-Erstattung durch die GKV – Ein Überblick über die aktuelle Rechtsprechung anhand von vier Entscheidungen aus den Monaten August und September 2011 [[180]],


    • Thermodynamic description of living homeostasis [[181]],
    • Development in oncological hyperthermia [[182]],
    • Challenges and solutions of oncological hyperthermia [[183]],
    • Rescuing your own cancer: changing the microenvironment of the tumor to overcome cancer with self-healing [[184]],
    • Heat therapy in oncology, New paradigm in electro-hyperthermia [[185]],
    • Hyperthermia in oncology [[186]],
    • Bioelectromagnetic Paradigm of Cancer Treatment Oncothermia [[187]],
    • Electromagnetic effects in nanoscale range. Cellular Response to Physical Stress and Therapeutic Applications [[188]],
    • Local hyperthermia in Oncology – To Choose or not to Choose? [[189]],
    • Heat Therapy in oncology [[190]],
    • Oncothermia – Principles and practices [[191]],
    • Physical background and technical realization of hyperthermia [[192]],


    • Antitumor effects of modulated electro-hyperthermia in 4T1 triple-negative breast cancer models [[193]],
    • Mechanism of modulated electro-hyperthermia induced tumor growth suppression in B16F10 melanoma pulmonary metastases [[194]],
    • Mechanism of modulated electro-hyperthermia induced tumor destruction in C26 colorectal cancer models [[195]],
    • Investigations on bovine viral diarrhea virus and some of the disease forms caused by the infection [[196]],
    • Developments into electromagnetic stimulation of neural cells [[197]],
    • Studies on modulated electrohyperthermia induced tumor cell death in a colorectal carcinoma model [[198]],
    • Preclinical investigation on the biological effects of modulated electro-hyperthermia [[199]],
    • Studio dei meccanismi fisiopatologici dell’ipertermia oncologica e dell’oncothermia [[200]],
    • Electric field regulation of chondrocyte proliferation, biosynthesis, and cellular signaling [[201]],


    • Approaching complexity: Hyperthermia dose and its possible measurement in oncology [[202]],
    • Oncological hyperthermia: The correct dosing in clinical applications [[203]],
    • Efficacy and dose of local hyperthermia [[204]],
    • Hyperthermia dosing and depth of effect [[205]],
    • Performance comparison of electro-hyperthermia devices: EHY-2000plus and EHY-2030 [[206]],
    • Patient-specific simulation for selective liver tumor treatment with noninvasive radiofrequency hyperthermia (not mEHT!) [[207]],
    • Connections between the specific absorption rate and the local temperature [[208]],
    • Heating, efficacy and dose of local hyperthermia [[209]],
    • Generalization of the thermal dose of hyperthermia in oncology [[210]],
    • Critical analysis of the thermodynamics of reaction kinetics [[211]],
    • Hyperthermia, a Modality in the Wings [[212]],
    • Dose concept of oncological hyperthermia: Heat-equation considering the cell destruction [[213]],


    • The intrinsic self-time of biosystems [[214]],
    • On the self-similarity in biological processes [[215]],
    • On the Dynamic Equilibrium in Homeostasis [[216]],
    • Study of the oxygen mass transfer in a gas-dispersing apparatus [[217]],


    • Negative impedance interval of blood flow in capillary bed [[218]],
    • Non-Newtonian analysis of blood-flow [[219]],
    • Non-Mechanical Energy Transfer of Electrically Neutral Electrolytes [[220]],
    • Hyperthermic radiology. Why to combine? [[221]],
    • Hyperthermia and hypoxia: new developments in anticancer chemotherapy [[222]],

Field effects

    • Memristor hypothesis in malignant charge distribution [[223]],
    • Cancer-specific resonances [[224]],
    • Time-fractal modulation – Possible modulation effects in human therapy [[225]],
    • Bio-electromagnetics without fields: The effect of the vector potential [[226]],
    • Bioelectromagnetic paradigm of cancer treatment – Modulated electro-hyperthermia (mEHT) [[227]],
    • Role of electrical forces in angiogenesis [[228]],
    • Electrokinetics of temperature for development and treatment of effusions [[229]],
    • Reorganization of actin filaments and microtubules by outside electric field [[230]],
    • Oncothermia: Complex therapy by EM and fractal physiology [[231]],
    • Effect of Curl-Free Potentials on Water [[232]],
    • Do Field-Free Electromagnetic Potentials Play a Role in Biology? [[233]],
    • Axial vector interaction with bio-systems [[234]],
    • On the thermal noise limit of cellular membranes [[235]],
    • Bioelectromagnetic interactions in agriculture: Controversial positions [[236]],
    • Device and procedure for measuring and examining the signal of systems releasing measurable signal during operation or in response to external excitation [[237]],
    • Industrial device for stimulating seeds [[238]],
    • Is the structure of the water convertible in physical way? [[239]],
    • Üzemi berendezés vetőmagvak stimulációjára [[240]],

Membrane effects

    • The capacitive coupling modalities for oncological hyperthermia [[241]],
    • Physics of hyperthermia – Is physics really against us? [[242]],
    • Time-fractal modulation of modulated electro-hyperthermia (mEHT) [[243]],
    • Technical challenges and proposals in oncological hyperthermia [[244]],
    • Time-fractal modulation of modulated electro-hyperthermia (mEHT) [[245]],
    • Effect of cellular membrane resistivity inhomogeneity on the thermal noise-limit [[246]],
    • New Theoretical Treatment of Ion Resonance Biological Phenomena [[247]],
    • An energy analysis of extracellular hyperthermia [[248]],
    • Heat penetration into the cell wall [[249]],
    • Response of bio-systems on white noise excitation [[250]],
    • Origin of pink-noise in bio-systems [[251]],
    • Water states in living systems. I. Structural aspects [[252]],

Nano heating

    • Heating preciosity - trends in modern oncological hyperthermia [[253]],
    • Energy absorption by the membrane rafts in the modulated electro-hyperthermia (mEHT) [[254]],
    • Immune effects by selective heating of membrane rafts of cancer-cells [[255]],
    • Heating of membrane raft of cancer-cells [[256]],
    • Nanoheating without Artificial Nanoparticles [[257]],
    • Electromagnetic effects in nanoscale range. Cellular Response to Physical Stress and Therapeutic Applications [[258]],


    • Connections between Warburg’s and Szentgyorgyi’s Approach about the Causes of Cancer [[259]],
    • Reorganization of the cytoskeleton [[260]],
    • Why modulated electrohyperthermia (mEHT) destroys the rouleaux formation of erythrocytes? [[261]],
    • Bystander Effect of Oncothermia [[262]],
    • Why does Oncothermia destroy the rouleaux formed erythrocytes? [[263]],
    • Topological Correlation in amorphous structures [[264]],
    • Appearance of collectivity in two-dimensional cellular structures [[265]],
    • From Random Cellular Structure to the Honeycomb Pattern [[266]],
    • From two dimensional cellular structures to the honeycomb pattern [[267]],
    • Háromdimenziós sejtrendszerek topológiai összefüggései [[268]],
    • Topological aspects of ordering: Proceeding of the 7th Seminar of IFHT Heat Treatment Surface Engineering of Light Alloys [[269]],

Other structural considerations

    • Intrinsic Noise Monitoring of Complex Systems [[270]],
    • Synergetic model of the formation of non-crystalline structures [[271]],
    • On the topology of 2D polygonal and generalized cell systems [[272]],
    • On the Aboav-Weaire law [[273]],
    • Modelling of the dissipative structure of water [[274]],
    • Self-organizing processes and dissipative structure formation in the non-crystalline materials [[275]],
    • A synergetic representation for the double-structure model of liquid water [[276]],
    • Two-structure model of liquid water [[277]],
    • Correlation between the structural and electronic stability factors [[278]],
    • Electronically Driven Short-Range Lattice Instability: Possible Role in Superconductive Pairing [[279]],
    • A short-range electronic instability in high Tc superconductors [[280]],
    • Fractal models for the autocatalytic growth of amorphous thin films [[281]],
    • Close-packed Frank-Kasper coordination and high critical temperature superconductivity [[282]],
    • On electronic structure and metastability [[283]],
    • Correlation of metastability, icosahedral symmetry and high-critical-temperature superconductivity [[284]],
    • The exact solution of the real square-lattice-gas system [[285]],
    • On the model calculation of the excitonic-like states and their possible role in autocatalytic processes [[286]],
    • One possible analytical approximation of the critical point of the three-dimensional Ising model [[287]],
    • Coherent potential approximation of the relationship between short-range order and the position of the fermi level on the state density curves [[288]],


    • Impedance matching and its consequences for modulated electro hyperthermia [[289]],
    • Impedance matching and its consequences for modulated electro hyperthermia [[290]],
    • Notes on psychophysics [[291]],
    • Considering skin physiology in capacitive-coupled hyperthermia [[292]],
    • Oncothermia as personalized treatment option [[293]],
    • Progress of research of hyperthermia integration with TCM in the treatment of cancer [[294]],
    • Oncothermia and traditional Chinese medicine [[295]],
    • Is an Integrative Cancer Therapy Concept (ICTC) the answer to improve the present situation in cancer care? [[296]],


    • The immunogenic connection of thermal and nonthermal molecular effects in modulated electro-hyperthermia [[297]],
    • Time-fractal in living objects [[298]],
    • Allometric scaling by the length of the circulator network [[299]],
    • Data mining and evaluation of single arm clinical studies [[300]],
    • Parametrization of survival measures, Part I: Consequences of self-organizing [[301]],
    • Parametrization of survival measures, Part II: Single arm studies [[302]],
    • Parametrization of survival measures, Part III: Clinical evidences in single arm studies with endpoint of overall survival [[303]],
    • Evaluation of clinical studies when no reference arm exists [[304]],
    • New look at an old principle: An alternative formulation of the theorem of minimum entropy production [[305]],
    • On the Feynman Ratchet and the Brownian motor [[306]],
    • Internal charge redistribution and currents in cancerous lesions [[307]],
    • Onsagerian quantum mechanics [[308]],
    • Nonequilibrium thermodynamic and quantum model of a damped oscillator [[309]],
    • Rosen-Chambers variation theory of linearly-damped classic and quantum oscillator [[310]],
    • On the extremum properties of thermodynamic steady state in non-linear systems [[311]],
    • Pink noise behaviour of the bio-systems [[312]],
    • Bio-response to White Noise Excitation [[313]],
    • An electrically driven instability: the living-state (Does the room temperature superconductivity exist?) [[314]],

Electromagnetic radiation

  • Metal-framed spectacles and implants and specific absorption rate among adults and children using mobile phones at 900/1800/2100 MHz [[315]],
  • A mobiltelefonokból származó elektromágneses expozíció alakulása 900/1800/2100 MHz frekvencián [[316]],
  • Assessment of electromagnetically treated wheat kernel at 120Hz using the FDTD method [[317]],

Electromagnetic radiation

  • A review of the current clinical evidence for loco-regional moderate hyperthermia in the adjunct management of cancers [[318]],


[[1]] Kao P H-J, Chen C-H, Chang Y-W, et al. (2020) Relationship between energy dosage and apoptotic cell death by modulated electro-hyperthermia, Scientific reports, 10:8936, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-65823-2,
[[2]] Danics L, Schvarcz Cs, Viana P, (2020) Exhaustion of protective heat shock response induces significant tumor damage by apoptosis after modulated electro-hyperthermia treatment of triple negative breast cancer isografts in mice, Cancers, 12, 2581, doi:10.3390/cancers12092581,
[[3]] Krenacs T, Meggyeshazi N, Forika G, (2020) Modulated electro-hyperthermia-induced tumor damage mechanisms revealed in cancer models, Int J Molecular Sciences, 21, 6270, pp. 1-25, doi:10.3390/ijms21176270,
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[[5]] Forika G, Balogh A, Vancsik T. (2019) Elevated apoptosis and tumor stem cell destruction in a radioresistant pancreatic adenocarcinoma cell line when radiotherapy is combined with modulated electrohyperthermia, Oncothermia Journal 26:90-98,
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