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The 37th ICHS Conference in Thessaloniki

2019 szeptember 19-21.

The official website of the 37th ICHS Conference

The beautiful Thessaloniki, Greece was the home of the 37th International Clinical Hyperthermia Society (ICHS) Conference between 19-21 September, 2019. For this successful event the Oncotherm Kft. was the PLATINUM SPONSOR.

It was utterly an international conference. For instance the delegates from:

  1. Brazil
  2. Hungary
  3. Japan
  4. USA
  5. Germany
  6. Australia
  7. South-Korea
  8. UK
  9. Italy
  10. Greece
  11. Taiwan
  12. Spain
  13. Russia
  14. Switzerland
  15. China
  16. South- Africa
  17. Romania

The number of participants exceeded 100.  In this two days the doctors and science researchers had the opportunity to attend in 30 presentations and gained knowledge from posters.

The topics of the conference were:

  1. General status of hyperthermia, challenges, and solutions
  2. Definitions of concepts – Consensus
  3. Clinical results of hyperthermia
  4. Immuno-oncology & hyperthermia
  5. Integrative oncology & hyperthermia
  6. Experimental and pre-clinical hyperthermia, the molecular basis of hyperthermia, theoretical considerations

The presentations will be available in the next Oncothermia Journal.

The event was financed from the NRDI Fund.

On behalf of the ICHS Board and according to election vote Dr. Elisabeth Arrojo is appointed to president of the 38th ICHS Conference, which will be held in Santander, Spain. Hereby we would like to congratulate to the new nomination.

In the pine of this we would like to thank for the conference chairman of the 37th ICHS Conference: Dr Aias-Theodoros Papastavrou, furthermore to the chairman of the organization committee: Dr. Lazarus Daniilidis and last but not at least to the chairman of the scientific committee: Dr. Alfred Barich.

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