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Book Release: Challanges and Solutions of Oncological Hyperthermia

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Challenges and Solutions of Oncological Hyperthermia book has been released in May 2020, it can be purchased from Cambridge Scholars Publishing. The present book is a unique continuation of the broad set of existing publications, concentrating on the complex means of helping the natural processes to fight against cancer. This book collects together 19 articles presented at the 36th annual conference of the International Clinical Hyperthermia Society (ICHS), held in Budapest in September 2018. One of the chapters presents the long time expected practical guideline of Oncothermia written by 28 professional Oncothermia users and experts from different countries. We hope this update information together with the earlier published Oncothermia protocols (Link 1Link 2) will help to provide the best Oncothermia therapy for patients.

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