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A special event: the 38th Conference of ICHS

2020 november 5.

The 38th Conference of the International Clinical Hyperthermia Society has ended. The international event held on 5th of November 2020 was very special, a new and unique happening in ICHS’s life. In these difficult circumstances after careful consideration, it has been decided to arrange the conference online, on Zoom platform.
Despite the time zone differences we were happy to see that 90 participants could arrange their presence from 28 countries: Spain, Hungary, Greece, Portugal, Switzerland, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, Syria, Georgia, Russia, South Korea, Norway, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom, Taiwan, Mexico, Australia, USA, Peru, Brazil, Vietnam, North Macedonia, Pakistan, India, Colombia, Ecuador.
If you ran out of time to watch it or missed our emails and posts to register, we have good news for you: all presentations are going to be available on our YouTube Channel.
We would like to personally thank the presenters for their amazing presentations, we really appreciate the time what they spent on making and presenting these interesting topics. This conference would not have been a success without their involvement.
Much obliged to Prof. Elisabeth Arrojo for her wonderful work as a president.
In 2021 we are planning to organize the conference in Santander, Spain, we hope we can meet you there! 🙂

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